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Special Educational Needs

The staff at Crabbs Cross Academy give careful consideration to the needs of pupils with SEND, making sure their development continues at an appropriate level and pace in line with their specific targets.  The SENCo holds day to day responsibility for monitoring provision of children with SEND pupils, in line with the Code of Practice.  

The Inclusion and SEND Policy, The SEN information Report and The Accessibility Policy, provide parents with the information and details about procedures and provision. 

We work very closely with other professionals, such as Rosie Peake (Speech and Langauge Therpaist, based at school for half a day a week) and other professionals, such as specialist teachers from Chadsgrove (for Learning Support and Complex Communications).

If parents have any concerns, they can speak with their child's teacher in the first instance, or can make contact with our SENCo Mrs Liane Bowen.

Below, are some useful websites for parents:

The Contact website is offering a range of free, virtual workshops for parents. These including sessions about sleep for young children, encouraging positive behaviour, and wellbeing for parents of children with additonal needs.